As an artist, my work revolves around the intersection of identity, otherness, family, and culture.
My experience as a Chinese-American adoptee continually pushes me to consider dualities of self and examine familial relationships, particularly with my mom, Sydney. These works explore how personal heritage and connection can be found through memories that aren’t our own.
"Wedding day, in a Pine Street living room." 24" x 35". Acrylic on canvas. 2021.
"Mom by the pool, her favorite spot, before I knew her." Acrylic on canvas. 2021.
"Wedding hugs; not all is lost." Acrylic on canvas. 2021.
"Mom and Yulin. More behind the smiles, at a wedding celebration." Acrylic on canvas. 2021.
"Sentiment." 28 x 36 inches. Acrylic on canvas. 2021.
"Mom, in red I." 24 x 30 inches. Acrylic on canvas. 2021.
"Mom, in red II." Acrylic on canvas. 2021.
"Mom with Booty, in their own world." Acrylic on canvas. 2021.
"Mom in Pajamas." Acrylic on canvas. 2021
"Mom, at her birthday dinner." Acrylic on canvas. 2021.